Music and Musicians in Worship Seminar Offerings


1) Music as part of the congregation’s Worship Voice
An introduction to the concept of Worship Voice, a way of understanding worship that recognizes the multi-faceted realities of any gathering of God’s people.

2) What’s going on within and among us as we engage music in worship?
Music impacts us in many different ways. This session looks at the effect of music and how our use of music in worship connects with people in unique ways.

3) The uses and placement of music in worship
We will outline the places that music typically is used in worship and explore ways to expand the presence of music in worship.

4) How to evaluate hymns and songs for use in worship
Picking our favorite hymns is one way to choose music, but there are other approaches as well. We’ll look at things to consider when selecting music with and without text for worship.

5) Tips for working with musicians in the church
Musicians have a reputation, both earned and unfair, that suggests they are difficult to work with. This session will offer tips for developing a better working relationship with and among musicians.

6) Tips for musicians leading in worship
Many musicians are trained to perform. But worship differs from a performance in important ways. This session will offer suggestions for musicians that will enhance their leadership in the overall movement of worship.

7) Hymns of the Brethren - Hymnal: A Worship Book and Hymnal Supplement
This session will take an in-depth look at these two congregational singing resources. We’ll develop a deeper awareness of the music they hold and discuss ways to help the congregation sing these hymns and songs better.


1) Hymn leaders and choristers
How to help lead congregational singing more effectively. Basic conducting skills and practical suggestions for directing vibrant singing.

2) Accompanists and service musicians
Technical suggestions for helping worship move more fluidly and helping the congregation participate more easily.

3) Praise bands
Coaching in all aspects of leading worship as a praise band, including playing competence, musical selection, and stage presentation.

4) Vocal choirs
Work with the choir to help them understand their role. Support the choir director with rehearsal tips and Sunday singing ideas.

5) Songwriting
An introductory conversation about songwriting, focusing on basic music skills and the process of putting together original songs for use in your congregation.


1) Thirty minute visual/musical worship service focused on Jesus
Jonathan leads this from the piano. It includes lots of congregational singing and meditation slides depicting Jesus.

2) Hymn sing
Hymn sings can be developed in a number of different ways. They can be fully planned and the music pre-selected. They can be spontaneous and shaped by the choices of those participating. They can be blended, with some pre-selection and some spontaneity. A skilled accompanist is typically required.

3) Concert of original music
Jonathan Shively will share from an extensive catalog of original compositions in the singer-songwriter style.


  • Meet with worship committee
  • Meet with pastor and/or other church leaders
  • Strategic planning for worship life
  • Worship planning and leadership coaching